Woodland Park Communities is a local, family-owned company with a long-term focus. Because of this, we seek to serve the community and enhance the quality of life in East Palo Alto.

To invest in the local community, its organizations, and its people, we have created the Woodland Park Communities Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting and enriching East Palo Alto by funding local non-profit organizations.

Some of the organizations the Woodland Park Communities Foundation has supported include:

Bring Me A Book Foundation
Computers for Everyone
East Palo Alto and Belle Haven Chamber of Commerce
East Palo Alto Blues Festival
East Palo Alto Senior Center
East Palo Alto Tee-Ball League
East Palo Alto Youth Arts & Music Center
El Concilio of San Mateo / Comite Latino
EPA Children’s Day Committee
Free at Last
Girls to Women
JobTrain, Inc.
Live in Peace
Mid-Peninsula Athletic Association East Palo Alto
One East Palo Alto
Project We H.O.P.E.
Reading Bonanza in the Park
Renaissance Mid-Peninsula, East Palo Alto
StreetCode Academy
Youth Community Service

…..and more!

For more information, contact foundation@wlpcommunities.com.